Quincy Schmidt and I have known each other for 28 years; we began orbiting one another in high school. He has a lovely voice, is over 6-feet tall, and is [partially] responsible for the title of my second memoir, I'm Not Wearing Any Pants. Time and distance has only deepened our desire to relate our lives.
Quincy is a Mental Health [Relationship] Coach out of Austin, TX. He's not a therapist, as you'll hear him say, but he engages in active listening--he is curious, empathetic, and open--and he asks consent before he responds with the offer of another perspective. He is passionate about communication and enjoys relating.
I am honored he said yes to being my first guest! We follow many trains of thought in this first conversation, as outlined below.
Trigger Warning We discuss [my] healing from rape and the frequent verbal, and vulgar, body objectification I experience when I leave the house.
Addressing Relational Trauma through Self-Reflection
Communication Strategies & Conflict
Trust & Being Yourself
Do people really need other people?
The Work of Byron Katie
Self-Reflection & Hearing Your Own Voice
Distractions/Coping Mechanisms of coffee, alcohol, weed, technology
Mindfulness Practices
[my] Cult Upbringing (which Quincy witnessed firsthand) & Coming Out
Performance Artist in Residence Program
Memoirtistry is on Twitch!